ISSAlert June 1, 2017

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Maryland Proposes Revisions to VOC Limitations on Cleaning Products

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has proposed revising its regulations to establish new volatile organic compound (VOC) limitations for 11 new product categories and to “ratchet up” the VOC limitations for 15 product categories already subject to the state’s VOC regulations.  It is proposed that the regulations become effective January 1, 2018.

A detailed summary of the proposed revisions to the Maryland VOC regulations is available here.

The proposed revisions to the Maryland VOC regulations are a direct result of U.S. EPA designating the state as “nonattainment for the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ground level ozone.  As a consequence, Maryland must increase its regulation of the VOC content of numerous commercial and consumer cleaning products as summarized below.

The ISSA Forum.  The ISSA Forum, slated for June 20-21 in our Nation’s Capital, will provide an update on all state and federal VOC regulations.  For more info, click here.