Why Select a Certified Company?

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The ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) and Certification Program is a powerful tool that helps take the guesswork out of the equation and increases the odds of outsourcing success.

Watch the video below demonstrating the benefits to specifying CIMS.

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CIMS provides facility managers and purchasers with a powerful, pre-qualification tool that is both free and easy-to-use. CIMS certification increases the odds of outsourcing success, offers a level of assurance that a cleaning organization’s management systems and operations are structured to deliver consistently high-quality service, and identifies a true commitment to meeting one’s expectations.

CIMS: A Valuable Tool

Any organization can claim that they are dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction, but only a CIMS-certified contractor can assert that an independent, accredited assessor has reviewed the organization’s management and operations systems and verified compliance with the principles and requirements of CIMS. By requiring CIMS certification, much of the guesswork is taken out of the equation and you reduce the risk that your contracted cleaning organization will be unable to deliver consistent quality service. Plus, many of the CIMS elements easily transfer to other facilities services, expanding its value far beyond cleaning.

Strongly Supported by IFMA

CIMS is strongly supported by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) for its power to make your life easier!  As a result, more and more facility managers, purchasing professionals and others are citing CIMS in their requests for proposal and cleaning specifications, including the Air National Guard Readiness Center at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, State Farm Insurance and others who have made the decision that only CIMS certified organizations are eligible to be awarded a cleaning service contract.

Easily insert CIMS and certification into existing specifications by utilizing ISSA’s CIMS Purchaser Tip Sheet (PDF).

Learn why one prominent facility has elected to include certification to CIMS as a requirement to be awarded a janitorial services bid: Air National Guard Readiness Center at Andrews Air Force Base Case Study (PDF).

Learn what to demand from your cleaning contractor and assess whether your current contractor meets the “Standard” with the CIMS Compliance Checklist (PDF), an invaluable benchmarking resource.

Want to know which organizations have demonstrated a commitment to quality and meeting your service expectations by becoming CIMS-certified? Check out the complete list of CIMS-certified organizations.


Learn how the universally accepted management principles of CIMS can help you find and qualify quality service providers by downloading the free IFMA-ISSA co-sponsored Webinar “CIMS: Helping Facility Managers Increase the Odds of Cleaning Success”.  This Webinar also shows you how to easily update your contract specifications to focus on excellence in service delivery, management commitment, and quality systems. To listen to the replay, click here.

CIMS Developed as Joint Effort Between Cleaning, Facility Management, and Purchasing Communities

The development of the Cleaning Industry Management Standard and Certification Program involved a collaborative effort between the cleaning, facility management, and purchasing communities. Organizations representing more than 100,000 constituents were involved in the process, including the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) and the Institute of Supply Management (ISM).

In furtherance of IFMA’s support of the CIMS as a powerful tool for facility managers and purchasers, the association has invited ISSA to speak at numerous industry events about how facility managers and purchasers can take advantage of the program.

For more information on CIMS and how facility managers and purchasers can use this powerful prequalification tool in specifications, please contact Charlie Janowicz, ISSA CIMS Account Executive, at 800-225-4772 or [email protected].