The ISSA Clean Standards

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The ISSA family of Clean Standards establishes a framework to help schools and other institutional facilities objectively assess the effectiveness of their cleaning processes using ATP meters in conjunction with a more traditional audit process.  Based on the philosophy of “Clean, Measure, Monitor,” the ISSA Clean Standards contribute to the quality of the indoor environment by focusing on:

  • The desired levels of cleanliness that can reasonably be achieved
  • Recommended monitoring and inspection procedures to measure the effectiveness of cleaning
  • How to use the measurement and inspection results to assess and improve cleaning processes and products, ultimately resulting in a clean, healthy, and safe indoor environment. 

ISSA Clean Standard: Institutional & Commercial

Business people looking at laptopThe ISSA Clean Standard: Institutional and Commercial Facilities applies to office buildings, retail stores, hotels, and other similar facilities. It derives from research in K-12 schools, but has been restructured to make it applicable to and easier to use in institutional and commercial facilities.

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ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 Schools

Group of young students with a teacherThe ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 is intended to apply specifically to K-12 school facilities, including both public and private institutions. The ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 relies upon both objective and subjective components in setting forth a methodology for measuring cleaning effectiveness.

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